
June Tip – Keeping Your Yard in Tip Top Shape

With temperatures rising pay close attention that your plants and flowers in hanging baskets are getting enough water. These containers tend to dry out quicker in warmer temperatures.

4 Tips for a Lush Lawn

Now that spring is in full force lets look at 4 fixes to make sure your lawn has all the curb appeal. Lay the foundation If you are noticing bare spots within your grass take advantage of the weather before it heats up and reseed as well as use some fertilizer. When reseeding bare patches… Continue reading 4 Tips for a Lush Lawn

May Tip – Perfect Time To Plant Summer Annuals

Your lawn is waking up and turning green again.  That’s the sign we’ve all been waiting for… its time to fertilize again!  Each type of grass is different, warm-season turfs like hybrid Bermuda and Zoysia like high nitrogen based fertilizers. 

April Tip – Time to Mulch

Winter is officially gone, so now to remove and replace mulch. It is important to remove and replace the mulch each year because diseased spores and insects may have stayed there over the winter. If you don’t think this is an issue for you then freshening up the mulch will create a cleaner look. This… Continue reading April Tip – Time to Mulch

Winter Maintenance Tips

January: A dry winter day can be a great time to mow your dormant grass.  Even if it does not appear the grass needs cut running the mower over your yard removes fallen leaves or pine needles that cover the yard. Running your Husqvarna mower over your yard also helps you become proactive on stopping… Continue reading Winter Maintenance Tips

Primo Grill is the Perfect Gift

There are all kinds of good gifts to get for Christmas, but seems like a great time to get a Primo gift. We have put together a Primo Grill Package that would make anyone happy. Boiling Springs Small Engine Primo Smoker Package PRIMO XL 400 GRILL PRIMO KART W/STAINLESS SIDES PRIMO COVER DIVIDER DEFLECTOR RACK… Continue reading Primo Grill is the Perfect Gift